British recording artist, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame, told RT that US media is entertainment used to sell soap powder and doesn’t give Americans the news of the world. He also claimed that the UN is a corrupt body, with the US controlling most voting decisions.

Waters was promoting his newly released documentary, titled “Roger Waters The Wall,” when the subject of the UN came up. He noted that he spoke to the UN Human Rights Committee in 2012 when there was a vote to recognize the idea of a Palestinian state and “raise the status of the Palestinian people to an observer nation state from non-observer status.”

“That was a tiny step in the right direction,” he told RT. “There were only nine votes against and 130 votes in favor of passing the resolution. The votes against were, of course the United States, Israel, the Marshall Islands. It is ever thus.”

Waters said the UN is an interesting example of the “pretense of decision making,” but it should nevertheless exist and that is an important institution. However, he said that having five Security Council members with veto power is “a redundant notion.

“There can be things that are fundamentally important politically – particularly in the Middle East where everyone is fighting everyone else as hard as they can all of the time – which can never actually get the support that they deserve, or a lot of the things can’t … unless the United States decides that they can.”


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