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US Government Uses Propaganda To Convince The World They Brought Peace To Syria

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Report date: 12.30.2015

NC Senator wants a back door into encrypted devices, he could careless about the 4th Amendment. Russia calls out US and NATO saying they have accomplished nothing in Afghanistan. US looking to keep troops in Afghanistan and additional troops. Iraq threatens Turkey and Biden will make a visit this January. USS Harry Truman being used as a false flag against Iran. US Government is now using propaganda that they have created peace and security in Syria, which is furthest from the truth. False flag warnings in Belgium and Germany, ISIS is ready to attack. Swiss army chief warns of social unrest in Europe tells people to arm themselves.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.

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Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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This must be one of the most inclusive evidence yet.


Well this is a squirmy moment, one can almost hear the screams “NO! NO! SHUT UP LINDSAY” and I believe a few people had a heart attack through embarrassment. Now the whole world knows, from the horses mouth QED.

Crisis Actors made up by Conspiracy Theorists? Really?

It doesn’t have to be this way. If we all stand up their game is over.
What if it was your children, your loved ones?

I wanted to put this in the “Human Condition” category, but this is not human behavior.

The Art Of David Dees