Tag Archive: cancer cure

On Darren Miller’s 50th birthday, he received the devastating news of a lung and pericardial heart sac cancer diagnosis in which he was given about one year to live – and that was with chemotherapy. However, the Illinois resident was having nothing to do with death sentences. Instead, he and his wife moved to California where he was able to use cannabis oil. While there, he even learn how to make it himself.

The results just seven months later?

He’s now cancer-free, and the chemo-related blisters on his hands and feet are a thing of the past. Miller even has the medical records to support this clean bill of health.

cannabis oil

If you, or anyone you know is suffering from cancer, please click on the picture below, there is some really good advice.
What have you got to lose except 5 minutes.
big pharma

Back in 2008 Mike Cutler a 63 year old grandfather-of-nine was diagnosed with liver cancer and given three months to live. However, his doctor had him put on a transplant list and within the year he successfully underwent liver transplant surgery. His doctor pronounced him cancer free and Mike was out of the woods, or so he thought.

“Do I become a good citizen and die or a criminal and live?” – Mike Cutler

Unfortunately, by late 2012 Mike was feeling really bad and soon learned that the liver cancer had returned with a vengeance and was attacking his new liver. His doctors gave him little hope and sent him home to die with a bag of morphine to manage his excruciating pain. His health deteriorated until he was bedridden.
He tried many things to reverse his cancer but nothing worked. Bottom line: Mike wasn’t ready to die. So he began researching with his laptop online for a viable alternative liver cancer cure. Eventually he found a very instructive YouTube video that explained how cannabis oil could be used to cure cancer.

Guanabana is known by a variety of names — including soursop, cherimoya, custard apple, Brazilian paw paw and graviola. However you recognize this versatile tree, one aspect is clear: guanabana provides powerful relief from a a wide scope of disease. Tackling cancer, herpes, parasites, infections and more, guanabana is an important player in the battle against ill health.

The guyabano, or otherwise known as the custard apple or sour sop fruit, Guyabano Fruitis deemed as one of the miracle cures for cancer. There have been various websites and claims that say that guyabano, from the tree, to its leaves, bark, and fruit, is capable of killing cancer cells naturally. A research that was conducted back in 1976 says that one chemical found in guyabano is about 10,000 times more powerful and potent than a drug used for chemotherapy called Adriamycin. This is why the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines developed a supplement that is made from the guyabano fruit.

Read on to find out more about this plant called guyabano.

The Soursop is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which happens to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells.

According to Cancer Research UK, Annona muricata is an active principle in an herbal remedy marketed under the brand name Triamazon. The licensing for this product in the UK is not accepted due to its enormous healing effects on the body and potential loss of profits for competing pharmaceutical cancer drugs.
Read on….